A New President for the Americans

2025, A New President for the Americans

  December 7, 2024
I know this is a lot to take in considering that tens of millions of you are just trying to keep up with the seeming constant assault on your income by the fascists.
Forcing us to ignore our own quality of life just to obey the whims of the moneychangers and their mentally ill partners..
It is important that you please read this to get a taste of what is happening.
It is the 2024 holiday season and we are looking at a builder, President Donald Trump, entering the Whitehouse on January, 20 2025.
Why do I call Donald Trump a builder? Because as a person that spent some time with architects, engineers and trades people I know that the very basic rule in building a building that will last is to make sure there is nothing that corrupts the foundation or the building won’t last.
Never build your house on sand. Ha
Because it’s the buildings design that holds the safety of the people in the building.
And for decades Donald Trump was busy on just those types of issues with the people that made sure the foundations are sure.
(Plus I am pretty sure he read some of the great books written by people that want us all and America to succeed.)
Has the foundation of our nation been corrupted? Are the players going to next ask the States to nullify their soverenity?
Whether in the Constitution itself or in the writings of the dozens of educated and wise men whose arguments set the foundation for our nation. If you actually study the US Constitution, if we were to set up a nation ruled by people that lived in liberty, you will see the similarities and guidelines about building anything you want to last.
You must have liberty to have the freedom. And you must also be vigilant to make sure that professional politicions and electioneers don’t take over your nation.
We have paid hundreds of billions of dollars to make sure our food is safe, our perscriptions are safe, our schools are safe, our streets are safe, we are safe and last but not least that our nation is safe in the hands of the electioneers.
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Duty Liberty

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