Duty Liberty Super Patriot

Welcome to

Duty Liberty Super Patriot

Powerful Mastermind Communities and Groups for Targeted Analysis and Sophisticated Activism.

Liberty is a Duty!

It is time to choose! Are We Civilized Yet?

For those that want to understand the power of liberty.



What happened? We the People of the United States set out to form a better society.

Free from rule and abuse by cruel mentally ill thugs and their sadistic henchmen and women. High taxes and wasting our tax dollars or letting people steal it.

Do you sometimes feel like you are mentally spinning? Constantly working and at the same time being filled with dissatisfaction with your life, never time to live, barely any real love?

That is because there is a battle in your own mind. For your own survival and survival of your family. You are born with the intellect and instinct to naturally seek justice, fairness, honesty, liberty and love.

A cruel or inept dictator, king or society will seek to get you to forget or at least ignore those natural traits and needs.

Our nation was to break with the cruelty of the past. Setting as the foundation Liberty to be healthy, safe, happy, honest and fair. Guaranteed by the voice of the people being the basis of law

But most have been conned, lied to, cheated and robbed. To the point that many people in our own country are even needlessly dying!

Plus, we have been forcefully warned that they, the inept, incompetent, self-serving and dishonest, are no longer interested in "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

But, my fellow Americans, the real laws of the land are without a doubt on our side!

The use of FORCE is always the first sign of weakness and dishonesty.

But they didn't back off and kept robbing and terrorizing us.

As the mentally ill will try and convince you that you don't. The truth is you have every right to protect yourself, your family, your friends, your town, your city, your county, your state and your nation.

All the necessary laws are there for us to exercise, we just need to do so.

And now that Capitalism has been replaced with Predatory Capitalism (Communism, profit for the few), we had better start doing something about it.

From brainwashing our people in their colleges, which now are mostly just hedge funds to teach obedience to the AFM;s (Anything for Money). And getting billions of dollars for doing so.

To shooting (now we know they are almost all harmful) dangerous chemicals into us since we were babies.

Letting AFM's take over all our government organizations, including the ones that are supposed to be protecting us from our government. And more....

We bring together lovers of liberty to exchange ideas on policymaking and activism, empowering one another to create positive change in our communities and beyond.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your and your family’s lives.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Duty Liberty:

Engage in stimulating policy-making discussions with like-minded liberty lovers, expanding your perspective.
Gain valuable grassroots activism strategies from experienced individuals, increasing your effectiveness in communities.
Empower and be empowered to create positive change, strengthening your leadership abilities.

Powerful Mastermind Communities and Groups for Targeted Analysis and Activism.
Liberty is a Duty!
Are We Civilized Yet?

When you join Duty Liberty today, you can look forward to:

Interactive Policy Creation Workshops: Dive into the intricacies of policymaking with our interactive video courses. By analyzing case studies and working on mock policies, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the process, helping you to effectively contribute to your own community's change.
Activist Networking Events: Join our live networking events where you can connect, discuss, and collaborate with like-minded liberty lovers. By expanding your network, you inspire and get inspired, fostering a more enriched activism experience.
Liberty Focused Think Tank Chats: Engage in real-time chat discussions on pivotal issues affecting liberty. These text-based chats facilitate a constant exchange of ideas and viewpoints, stimulating the creation of innovative strategies to advance the cause of liberty.
It’s time to refresh and realign our lives and our government.
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well,

Duty Liberty

Address: 3734 E Vermont Street 302 Indianapolis, IN 46201 3476

Phone: 317-762-2215
Email: admin dutyliberty.com