Liberty Under Attack

popping the paradigms of lies

It’s time to nullify the paradigms of lies!  

December, 7 2024

Hello, My Friends and Americans,
Some of the most important decisions regarding humankind will be made in the next ten years. We must stop kidding ourselves, sadly the mass media seems to be very controlled by the .Edu hedge funds and other profiteers. In the USA, considering the events of the last several decades, will the USA even be trusted to participate?
For centuries, philosophers, men, women, children, Kings, and Queens discussed, wished for and debated, what it would be like to have a country and society where liberty was the base of that society.
If you read the writings of the times that led to the American Revolution, you will find hundreds of those discussions and debates were about just that. A Nation Based on Liberty for All.
The primary complaint from the beginning was “Can the people in a Nation of Liberty include the wisdom and vigilance to prevent self- serving interests from terminating their liberty for profits, personal gain or the delusions of that very small group of mentally ill people?”
You see, people from all over the world knew what the MMI’s, PMI’s and AFM’s would do as soon as we let our guard down.
MMI: Money Mentally Ill, PMI: Power Mentally Ill, AFM: Anything for Money. All three of which cause a mental breakdown into surreal moments, days, weeks etc. And none of which have any discernable value in our quality of life and how we treat each other.
3000 years ago, a silk trade apprentice would train for years; when they were ready the bosses would send them out with a long line of camels to sell the silk. And even though sometimes even a year or so later, they would always return with the money collected.
It was never on their mind to steal the money and betray their people and culture.
It’s 2024 and in a recent college survey. 84% of the students admitted to cheating on tests including the SAT.
Why would we blame those children and young adults when it is the adults that betrayed them into a society where cheating and stealing seem necessary to them for survival?
I feel guilt every day for what we have left our children to deal with and correct.
It is time that we the elders stand and nullify the paradigms of lies that we have let be used to protect those that are broken! Because they almost never actually belong to a town, city, county, state or nation. Instead, unless they actually earned the money, they swim in the delusions of a fake human ego.
God Bless, Be Peace and Be Well
Please stand by for exciting decisions we need to evaluate.
Duty Liberty

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